Community Infant Mental Health Training - Kamloops

Posted On: August 5, 2016

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Hospital for Sick Kids has developed a 15 part training program focusing on Infant Mental Health. This program aims to raise awareness and understanding of the unique needs of infants and toddlers in order to promote healthy social emotional development in the early years and reduce the likelihood of poor mental and physical health outcomes in the later years.

Awareness of early childhood mental health is essential for any professional working with very young children (ages 0-3). Early learning and care practitioners (ECE’s), home visitors, public health nurses, pediatricians, physicians, social workers and mental health clinicians in particular need to understand the impact of a young child’s experiences on their mental health and emerging sense of self. Every professional working with young children needs a strong understanding of infant mental health – what it is, how it develops, how it is influenced and implications for a child’s development when mental health is vulnerable in the early years.

This training would generally cost $2000 to access. We are inviting you to attend it for This is a rare opportunity and one that will FREE! not be offered again.

Click on the PDF below for session information and registration.
IMH training poster - final.pdf