Preschool Milestones & Red Flags
Here you can find information about what to expect between 3 to 5 years, in all areas of development for your child. You will also find "red flags" that might indicate the need for follow up by a health professional. Please keep in mind that children all develop at different rates, and that these milestones are meant to be used only as a guide in talking to your health professional.
Gross Motor Skills
Gross Motor development involves the larger, stronger muscle groups of the body.
Self care refers to all the things we do to keep our bodies safe and healthy.
Fine Motor Skills
"Fine motor” refers to the movements we make with the small muscles of the hands.
Social & Emotional
This area involves learning to interact with other people, to understand and control your own emotions.
This is a time when vocabulary is continually growing and their language is becoming more complex.
Understanding & Thinking
As your child plays and interacts with people and objects, he learns about his world around him.
Autism - Red Flags
These are not meant as a diagnostic tool, only as early warning signs.