What I Do
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. She has been working in the industry for 23 years with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families within the community. Barb facilitates different programs at the Friendship Society that focus on children 0-6.

Why Working with Ages 0 to 6 Years Is Important
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. She has been working in the industry for 23 years with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families within the community. Barb facilitates different programs at the Friendship Society that focus on children 0-6.

Why Touch Is Important
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video, Barb explains the importance of touch with an infant. Touch is crucial in the early years because it helps build a strong bond between families.

Who Does the Friendship Centre Provide Service To?
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. The Aboriginal Friendship Society was originally opened to provide services to urban Natives. Unlike most centre’s, the Friendship Society is a free service and has an open door policy to all members in the community.

Why the Friendship Centre Was Created
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. The Aboriginal Friendship Society was originally opened to provide services to urban Natives. Unlike most centre’s, the Friendship Society is a free service and has an open door policy to all members in the community.

We All Learn From Each Other
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. Barb is thankful for the networking opportunities between the Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals that use the facility. For Barb, it’s like connecting the bridge between the two peoples where everyone learns from one another.

Opportunity for Play Is Important
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video, Barb explains why it’s important for children to play. The Friendship Society offers a safe environment for children to play, learn and to be part of a group.

Why Parent Involvement Is Important for the Community
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video, Barb talks about why parent involvement is crucial for children ages 0-6. It’s important for parents to be a good role model and foster strong relationships within their family.

It's Not Easy to Provide on a Low Income
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video Barb explains the financial challenges for low-income parents. The Friendship Society offers programs that teach parents alternative ways to provide for their families.

Finding Activities for Kids
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. It’s so important to provide children with extra activities, especially in today’s society where everyone is on the go.

The Problem With Technology
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video, Barb talks about the problem with technology. The Friendship Society encourages parents to engage with their children as much as possible. While programs or workshops are in session, parents are asked to turn off their cell phones in order to fully connect with their children.

Connecting Elders with Youth
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video, Barb talks about the problem with technology. The Friendship Society encourages parents to engage with their children as much as possible. While programs or workshops are in session, parents are asked to turn off their cell phones in order to fully connect with their children.

Watching Elders Read to Children
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. The Friendship Society offers a reading program called Under An Eagle’s Wing. Often times, an elder will read or tell stories to the children. In this video, Barb explains the powerful connection between elders and children.

Helping to Make Successful Children
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. For Barb, giving families the ability to connect is the most rewarding part of her job. In this video, she explains how the Friendship Society provides opportunities for children to become successful individuals.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. In this video, Barb explains why it takes a village to raise a child and the importance of establishing connections with multiple families.

Trust Is a Big Thing
Barb Fedora is a Family Support Worker at the Aboriginal Friendship Society in Kamloops, BC. As a parent, often times it can be difficult to reach out and ask for help. This can be due to a lack of trust or feeling embarrassed.