Child Development
Children's Programs
Child Care
Important Numbers
Child Development Brochure Survey
Did you receive your Child Development Brochure in the paper just recently?  We would love for you to tell us your thoughts by completeing this short survey.

Red Flag Indicators

Looking at your child’s development is a bit like traveling down a road.  Sometimes you experience a small bump in the road that slows your traveling speed down a little, or you might see a small red flag along side the road warning you to slow down as there is a problem ahead on the roadway.  Child development is very similar.  Occasionally, children experience small bumps in their developing bodies, which might indicate they need a little help to achieve one of the developmental milestones.


Red Flag indicators are checklists or tools that parents or caregivers can use, if they have a concern about one or more areas of a young child’s development.  If you have questions about one of your child’s developmental areas, click on one of the titles below and you will get a checklist or a few questions that will help you decide whether you should call someone at one of the Family Resource centers listed on this website.


If you are unsure or have a concern about one or more areas of your child’s development, there are people who can help you at:


1)      The Public Health Unit in your community.  Public Health nurses can assess your child’s situation and determine if any follow-up actions are required.

2)       Infant Development Program can be contacted for children up to 36 months.  Someone will answer your call and arrange for a follow-up visit.

3)      For children 36 months or older, call Children’s Therapy and Family Resource Centre and the Intake Worker will respond to your concerns.

Red Flags - FASD 241
Red Flags - Behaviour 249
Red Flags - Sensory 226
Red Flags - Social Emotional 260
Red Flags - Attachment 224
Red Flags - Literacy 229
Red Flags - Vision 214
Red Flags - Nutrition 194
Red Flags - Feeding 220
Red Flags - Dental – Cavity Prevention 209
Red Flags - Early Identification 219